Monday, September 21, 2009

Bad Road Signs

On a recent road trip, I ran across some of the worst traffic signs in recent memory.

It is almost like the engineers never drove the roads that their signs sit on.

So what can you as a driver do? Well, first thing is to know where you are going. With the advent of Internet maps and GPSs, you certainly have an advantage over the past where a old map from the gas station was the best you could do. But other that than - stay alert.

If a sign says merge in 1 mile, start setting up your gap so you can either merge or let someone else merge.

At toll booths, be prepared for lanes to change as you get to the toll both - best way today is to have an "EZ-Pass" but if not, be alert for the proper lane and have cash handy.

The best answer to not missing your exit is to slow down and if you do miss an exit, start thinking about the next one and how to get back. Again, with GPS devices, this has almost become a thing of the past, but remember - they are not infallible either.

Pay attention, slow down, be aware of traffic around you.