Thursday, October 13, 2022

Fighting Road Rage

Everyone gets angry at some time.  The question is, "Why does it escalate?"

When someone cuts you off, pulls out in front of you without looking, runs a red light, etc, the first reaction of someone is to take it personally.  In fact, it was totally random.  The person in the car doesn't know you, and most likely had no intention of affecting anyone on the road.  They may have been distracted, preoccupied or in worst case under the influence of some substance, legal or illegal.  They might have a medical situation, or just made a simple mistake of judgement.  However, the wronged person immediately take this as an attack on them personally, and decides that it is their responsibility to right the wrong.  

Unfortunately, this is a case of two wrongs NOT making a right.  You have no responsibility to correct someone.  If you are alert and have a in car camera, you may decide to report the person to the police, and I don't have any problem reporting a driver via 911 if they appear to be under the influence or are driving in a manner that will result in a crash.

Taking off after them, cutting them off or brake checking them is wrong and just asking for the situation to escalate into violence.  Teaching someone a lesson is NOT your job, nor will it do any good.

Since it takes two to tango, what do you do.  If the person is a clear danger then reporting them is acceptable.  Otherwise, the best thing to do is nothing.  If your pulse is up and your blood pressure climbing, then the best thing is to slow down, count to 5 and forget it.  Maybe think of what they did and have you ever done something like that.  How would you make yourself a better driver.  The act of rational thought, rather than letting your emotions take control, will calm you down and ensure YOU do not do something foolish.

In 5 seconds on the highway you have covered more than the length a football field.  If your focus in not on driving, but rather revenge, what damage can YOU cause.  Driving requires 100% attention to the task at hand - you need to be back in the moment as quick as you can.  Practice the 5 second technique and you will soon find that nothing will faze you.