Thursday, January 03, 2008

Turn Signals - The Auto Text Message

There are jokes about turn signals - how Cadillacs always work because they are never used, or how old drivers drive with them always on. The fact is that turn signals are the only device that you have to speak, car to car. It always amazes me that people don't know how to use them.

The first rule is that they send a warning. "I am about to change lanes", I am going to make a right turn". They should never be "I AM making a left turn". The concept is to tell another driver what you want to do, so they can make adjustments.

Note, I said, what you want to do, rather than what you are doing. Using your turn signals does not give you the right to do anything.

Signaling that you are turning right lets the driver in back of you give your room as you slow down. It tells him not to speed up into your space if you are planning on changing lanes.

How soon should you signal? That depends on the situation. I would rather signal early and give drivers a chance to adjust, rather that waiting for the technically correct moment and forcing them to react. An example. If I am turning right onto a street just past a driveway, I would not necessarily wait until after the driveway to signal. The other driver can figure out by your brake lights and speed, where you will be turning. Similarly, on the highway, signalling a few seconds before you change lanes, gives other drivers time to adjust their speed.

Sometimes, you signal in order for other drivers to give you room that is not already there. You may see a lane closing and want to move over. The other driver would be blocked from seeing that, however; if they see your signal, hopefully they will give your room.

There are other ways to signal, using your brake lights, flashers, and headlights. Your turn signals are the most usefull and as such you should practice using them all the time, even when you think no one is around.

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