Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are you a Space Cowboy?

What is your reaction to the following situation?

You are driving down a road with ample space between you and the car you are following.

A car pulls out of a side road in between the two of you, causing you to slow down slightly. Not enough to hit the brakes, but enough to make you adjust your speed.

Do you:

1. Speed right up to him, slam on the brakes while honking your horn and giving him the "Your #1" salute?

2. Keep your speed up and pass him, then slow down to show your displeasure?

3. Flash your lights and let him know he cut into your safety space?

4. Adjust your speed and reestablish a safety zone?

If you answered anything other than the last answer, you may want to rethink why you got so mad at someone you most likely have never seen before and never will again.

That person may be guilty of bad judgement, but what was your speed? I will bet you were over the posted speed limit. In most cases this limit was made so that drivers can enter and exit roads at a reasonable speed. One of the hardest things to do is to judge a car that is coming at you. So don't take it personally, the person was not trying to do anything to slow you down, just trying to merge with traffic. And don't pull the "why didn't he wait until I passed?". Do you think he is Superman with x-ray eyes?

Now there are drivers who are dangerous and the best thing to do is to get a license plate and report them to the police. Not a perfect system, but the only one we have.

The best response is to see the driver and start to think about what to do if he does pull out. In this instance you don't want to slow down and give him room (unless there is a long line of cars in back of you) as there is no rule or courtesy that says you have to let him in; however, by thinking about this you will reduce your reaction time if he does pull out.

Next time - instances when you should leave room for someone to merge.

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