Wednesday, February 06, 2008

After you.....

Are you entitled to your space on the road? Well, yes; unless you violate the first rule of driving.

For example, you are on a two lane highway, coming up on an entrance ramp. There is no one in the left lane, but you stay in the right lane, blocking an driver looking to merge. Oops. In this case you should have moved over to the left lane and allowed the other driver to enter.

Or you see a driver trying to enter the road from a driveway. You see a line of cars behind you, but you speed up because you can't possible let someone get ahead of you. What you should have done, if there was enough space in front to you, is slow down slightly and let the person out.

When you are on the road you are sharing the space with other drivers. There is an expected level of cooperation. There is no "entitlement" only the technicalities of the law. Even here, there are limits. There is a physical law (not mentioned in the Motor Vehicle Laws) that two objects cannot occupy the same space. If you violate the Motor Vehicle Law, the least is you will get a ticket. If you violate the Law of Physics, the least you will get is a very bad accident!

You have control and responsibility where you place your car. You can place it in a dangerous situation and rely on other drivers to get you out of trouble; or you can think ahead a be a safe and courteous driver.

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